
was thinking this morning about how after every alter experience
the Lord, where I lay down my desires in favor of His, He gives me
more joy through some wonderful new revelation. Today is one of those
days. I had a recent alter experience in my life, where the Lord
called me to forsake my own desires in favor of His as He reminded
again of the verse "delight yourself in the Lord and He will
give you the desires of your heart" . We tend to delight ourself
in the lusts of our flesh (desire) and expect God to tag along.
But God means it when He says " Thou shall have no other Gods
before Me". When we realign ourselves with truth and lay that
desire down in favor of the greatest desire- "Jesus our tree of
life" , we often get the other things thrown in. They may not be
in the shape or form that we pictured , and it may take time but
those desires are fulfilled nonetheless because He re-shapes those
desires to align with His.
used to get so upset when I would read Prov 13:12 "hope
deferred makes the heart sick but a desire fulfilled is a tree of
life" . I could never see any good in the verse, and I used to
tell God so. One day He illuminated for me the truth that anything we
put our hope in other than Him WILL over time make our heart sick
,but when our desire is for Him alone it will be a tree life
,refreshment, joy and peace to us as well as others. Only then
can the other things that we enjoy in life be in balance. We can
abuse our relationships, alcohol, money , food, sex, and any number
of things if we are seeking to eek out of them the fulfillment of our
deepest desire which is God Himself. I have this propensity to try to
extract from people ,experiences ,or things something that only God
can provide for me. Any abuse of these things is a refusal to delight
myself in God. And each time I refuse the only hope worth anything,
my heart becomes sicker and sicker...And it affects my
relationships with those I love and most of all with God. He wants to
be front and center because He knows the only way we won't abuse
relationships and ultimately ourselves, is when we delight ourselves
in Him! If we've filled ourselves at the well of Living Water, then
our thirst is quenched . When we are thirsty however, the temptation
is to suck other things dry in an attempt to fill us. And they
may “seem” to fill us but it's only temporary . The more we are
filled with God however, the more He becomes through His Spirit
a well of Living Water springing up in us.
you count the alters in your life? If there have been few, then the
well may not be springing up at all. Maybe it's pretty empty . I know
people who have great knowledge of the Word and yet lack wisdom and
understanding, and I wonder is it because for all of their knowledge
of the word there has been little surrender to the Living Word-
Christ? Knowledge puffs up, but when we surrender to the love behind
the scriptures , that love builds up (or edifies) and makes us
stronger. I even think of the marriage bed as an illustration
of this point. The bible refers to the consumation of the marriage as
a man “knowing “ his wife. Well we know that before a man knows
her in the marriage bed he knows of her. But the marriage bed implies
a deeper much more intimate “knowing”. Even the word consumation
indicates being taken in with (or by) in the physical sense.
So is it in the spiritual -with God. Not only is our life in
Him , but at the point of surrender more of His life is in us! In the
marriage bed it is mutual ,(His life in me and my life in Him) ...
Both are giving of themselves and receiving from the other at the
same time. And quite literally both are pouring out of
themselves....The man of his literal seed and the women of her bodily
fluids lubricating the pathway to where her eggs are waiting to be
fertilized in her womb. So we can see that this 'knowing' is a much
deeper knowing for the husband and his bride than the initial knowing
before the marriage is consumated. Knowledge without the consumation
of surrender produces no lasting fruit from the womb....So it is with
our relationship with the Lord through His word (the seed of life).
If we have knowledge of the word and yet we walk away and do
nothing with the knowledge, we fail to as James 1:21 says lay aside
all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with
meekness, the engrafted word, which is able to save our souls. The
bible says to work out your salvation for it is God who works in you
BOTH to will AND to do according to His good pleasure. He not only
gives you the desire , He also gives you the power to obey if you
will walk in the Spirit! We are in the process of being saved , but
we are saved through the Word of life engrafted into our very souls
at each point of surrender to the Word. Our mind is renewed not just
by knowledge but by obedience to the knowledge God gives us. This is
where the mind is made new (or renewed) . Knowledge doesn't
necessarily equal understanding. Understanding comes through
application of the knowledge . A man knows his wife before he lies
with her but you can BET he knows her more intimately and she/him,
when she has surrendered to him. And imagine if she never surrended
to him in that way again after the wedding night or begrudgingly
withholds affection and dispenses it only when she
'feels' like it.. No physical fruit (children ) nor spiritual fruit
(intimacy) would be born of the union.
many Christians do this with God? We surrender to Him at salvation
but then we think we're “good”. Salvation is JUST the
beginning! Or we surrender to Him in one area because it is
appealing to us, but not another when He convicts us because that
might hurt too much. It may costs us our pride or cost us
something else we're not willing to pay. The bible says work
out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in
you both to will AND to do according to His good pleasure. He doesn't
just give you the desire to do right , He gives you the POWER to do
what His Word commands according to His good pleasure. And we are to
"work out" or excercize our faith to gain spiritual muscle
or weight.
the gospel of John the 15th chapter Jesus said "I am the vine
and you are the branches, he who abides in me and I in Him , the same
shall bring forth much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing."
I believe there is a sense where we can abide in Him and yet He is
not able to abide (dwell continuously) in us because His Spirit
is grieved when we refuse to surrender to His life giving seed (word)
We can be going to church, even reading and studying the word and yet
when we refuse to surrender in obedience to the word, His Spirit is
grieved and He is not allowed entrance so as to engraft (implant)
His word into the womb of our mind where it can bear fruit. We
become like a stubborn wife who refuses to lie with her husband
because she 'feels' he's asking too much of her or he hasn't been
'nice enough' to her. Or like the man who buried his talents, because
he thought his master was a hard man, we bury the gift of the Holy
Spirit (power and “dynamite to do right”) We must be very careful
to be sure that we are investing into the kingdom with the VERY gifts
that He's given us . The GREATEST gift He has given us is the Spirit
inspired word of God! Jesus! Jesus said my words are spirit and
they are life. And God says He magnifies his word above even
His name. The Holy Spirit convicts us as we read the word of
the very things he want to deal with in our life and at that point it
is our responsibility to surrender in obedience to His word thereby
walking in the Spirit rather than surrendering to our old fleshly
ways of naughtiness. .He desires obedience and NOT sacrifice.
As we do obey the word, the living water of his Spirit gushes forth
with greater force out of our belly. We have girded up the loins of
our mind, and by doing that which the Spirit has willed us to
do, (remember His words are spirit and they are life) we have
rested our hope completely on the grace that is to be brought to us
at the revelation of Jesus Christ. And like Mary the mother of Jesus,
when SHE surrendered to the word of the Lord, which had come
to her through the angel, we can be confident that “that holy thing
which is to be born in us shall be called the son of God! "
or re-creation takes place as we not only behold, but as we surrender
our will and allow His written word entrance that it might be
engrafted into our very soul- thereby birthing in us more and more of
the life of the Son of God... This is what it means to be
living epistles known and read of men.
again trans-form-ation is taking place. No longer are we
bearing the fruit of the flesh but the fruit of the Spirit of the
Living God is forming is us. It is fruit that will remain even though
it is tried by fire. We will learn more and more NOT to depend on
"feelings" but on truth!
we all surrender from this day forward as Mary did and agree with God
like Mary did when she said " Let it be done unto me according
to thy Word !"
be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own
can actually deceive ourselves when we are convicted by His Holy
and yet we don't surrender to that conviction.
12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye trans-formed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Cor 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.
before Jesus went to the cross ,He said Father let this cup pass from
me , nevertheless not my will but Thy will be done. And when His
Father did not take the cup from Him, He denied Himself and went to
the cross .
The following verse puts the reverent fear of God in me in this matter of
1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are
not proper.
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