Mar 1, 2011

The Fragrance of Grace

    I wanted to share this story I read about Hubert Humphrey's funeral and those in attendance.  It literally brought me to tears ( of Joy!)
  "When former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey died hundreds of people from across the world attended his funeral. One of the people to attend was former President Richard Nixon. The shame of Watergate was thick in the air. No one wanted to talk to him. He was assigned a seat in the back row of the funeral at the National Cathedral. Then Jimmy Carter, the serving US President, walked into the room. Carter was from a different political party to Nixon and well known for his honesty and integrity. As he moved to his seat President Carter noticed Richard Nixon standing all alone. Carter immediately changed course, walked over to Richard Nixon, held out his hand, and smiling genuinely and broadly embraced Nixon and said "Welcome home, Mr. President! Welcome home! Why don’t you sit with me in the front row?"
What Jimmy Carter did to that day is just a reflection of what God has done for us. He has not treated us as our sins deserve (mercy) , but rather poured out His love upon us ! (grace)

Praise God for His immeasurable grace!

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WE HAVE THIS TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSELS THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD. I am the wife Of Don and mother of two boys and a stay at home mom. My goal is to follow Jesus in all aspects of life but starting first and foremost in my own home.Titus 2:3-5 I stumble often and get discouraged, but am amazed as I go to my Lord in faith that he looks upon me with compassion, forgiveness and love each and every time. His love for me seems to increase as I keep going back to His throne of grace!! Of course I know His love never changes, but my ability to see His love increases each time He picks me up, dusts me off and says "keep on going Ruth.... I love you!" And because of His great love, I am falling more and more in love with Him each and every day.