Mar 25, 2011

Fight Fire With Fire

The enemy of our God is wreaking havoc in this world today but are we shrinking back in fear thinking we are no match for Him?  IN CHRIST we are!
  Are we walking in the Spirit so that we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh?  If we are walking in the Spirit then  we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!  David was walking after the Spirit when he confronted the giant.  Even though he was the littlest of all of his brothers and had no armour , and by all appearances was no match for a giant- David had a giants heart! 
Are we fighting the fires of hell with the burning fire of the Holy Spirit?  Is that fire burning in your soul? Or have you quenched it?  If it is it will cause you to do that which you never would have dreamed of. And you will have victory to boot!  If it isn't repent and do the first works (believe)
Determine to submit to God in all He shows you and you by doing so will be resisting the devil by siding with His enemy (God Almighty!) and he will flee! 
.  It can''t be backwards or it won't work.  You can't determine to resist the devil and then submit to God.  You must determine to submit to God and THEN you will BE ABLE to resit the devil in the grace and strength that God provides! You- on your own, are NO MATCH for the devil.  If you think you can resist the devil without FIRST submitting to God then no wonder the devil keeps on you!  You have to submit to God first to obtain the powers of heaven behind you and THEN you will be able to resist the devil! The fires of hell will not rage against the fire of the Holy Spirit.  They will be consumed by them!  For our God is an all consuming fire.  You are protected under the covering of the canopy of his love.Found in Christ (His word)

Romans 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

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WE HAVE THIS TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSELS THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD. I am the wife Of Don and mother of two boys and a stay at home mom. My goal is to follow Jesus in all aspects of life but starting first and foremost in my own home.Titus 2:3-5 I stumble often and get discouraged, but am amazed as I go to my Lord in faith that he looks upon me with compassion, forgiveness and love each and every time. His love for me seems to increase as I keep going back to His throne of grace!! Of course I know His love never changes, but my ability to see His love increases each time He picks me up, dusts me off and says "keep on going Ruth.... I love you!" And because of His great love, I am falling more and more in love with Him each and every day.