Feb 23, 2011

Love is a Shelter

    Since Valentines Day I have been writing about love . I didn't intend to go on for this long on that subject but I believe God did . Even if I'm the only one benefitting from it.
    It's been a reflective journey for me, looking back on what the Lord has been teaching me the past several years. I believe it was 3 years ago on our anniversary that my husband bought us some windchimes that sound like church bells. They are actually called "Corinthian Bells".
    They were so symbolic to me of what God was doing in us as a married couple. It caused me to reflect alot on love and each time I would hear the bells ring It would remind me that love is a language that ALL can hear. And I knew the Spirit was speaking to me that if we keep the faith that was entrusted to us, and don't give up hoping in His promises, that love will be perfected in us...
    Paul ended the 12th chapter of the book of Corinthians with these words:  But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way. Chapter 13 begins with :If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. This is why I spoke of love as beautiful music. It makes sense to me that if Paul says- not having love, is like noise that makes you want to cover your ears, then possessing love would be like a sweet melody.  EVERYONE can hear such a melody! The world is hungering for love -true love, the kind that does not fail. 
Love never fails; the giver -or the recipient
   What is so amazing to me is finding out that not only does true love not fail towards the one it loves, but realizing that choosing to love this way has not failed me either.  I can only love this way by laying down my desires for natural human love ,and surrendering to the author of love.....Christ Himself -thereby allowing His love to flow through me.  Talk about cleansing,  healing,  living water!  I am being washed clean and I can't get enough of this love.  I feel like a spectator watching God work through me and I stand in awe of how great His love is for both me and the person He is try to reach with His love! Letting God pour His love out through me has become a shelter for me. I am one with the author of love when I am open to Him loving through me this way. Rather than fighting to gain human love , I am to embrace God's love and give it away...This is where my shelter and love is. In the loving embrace of my Father.
   This brings me to the lyrics from the song used in the movie Fireproof.  "Love is a Shelter" I have found this to be true in my life....
Read the words and then listen to the link below.

Love is not a place to come and go as we please
It's a house we enter in then commit to never leave
So lock the door behind you Throw away the key
Work it out together Let it bring us to our knees
Love is a shelter in a raging storm
Love is peace in the middle of a war
And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door
No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for
To some love is a word that they can fall into.
But when they're falling out keeping that word is hard to do
Love is a shelter in a raging storm
Love is peace in the middle of a war
And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door
No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for
 Love will come to save us If we'll only call

He will ask nothing from us but demand we give our all
Love is a shelter in a raging storm
Love is peace in the middle of a war

And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door

 No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for.
 Cause I Will Fight For You Would You Fight For Me It's Worth Fighting


If we lose our lives for His sake we will find it!

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WE HAVE THIS TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSELS THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD. I am the wife Of Don and mother of two boys and a stay at home mom. My goal is to follow Jesus in all aspects of life but starting first and foremost in my own home.Titus 2:3-5 I stumble often and get discouraged, but am amazed as I go to my Lord in faith that he looks upon me with compassion, forgiveness and love each and every time. His love for me seems to increase as I keep going back to His throne of grace!! Of course I know His love never changes, but my ability to see His love increases each time He picks me up, dusts me off and says "keep on going Ruth.... I love you!" And because of His great love, I am falling more and more in love with Him each and every day.